Steve Rawson Celebrant

Creating Timeless Moments – Timeless Memories

Hi there, and many thanks for visiting my website.

I am a certified Humanist Association celebrant and a HSE-registered legal wedding solemniser. 

This means that I can perform legally binding secular weddings and can sign your legal paperwork so that everything is signed, sealed, and delivered on your Big Day.   

My role as your celebrant is to create warm, endearing, and memorable moments for your special occasion.

To achieve this, I work closely with couples to design a very personalised and unique ceremony that reflects your values and beliefs – a ceremony that is delivered in a professional but relaxed and welcoming atmosphere for you, your family, and friends. 

It will be a ceremony that chooses carefully crafted words and symbols designed  

‘Your Way’ - see Testimonials here

My approach is always one of collaborative co-creation where I guide and assist you in the creation of your own unique personalised ceremony.

However, please be aware that there is quite a demand for Humanist Weddings and Humanist Wedding Celebrants, so it helps to secure a booking as early as possible. You can contact me by email or book me directly on the Humanist Association website here.

Naming Ceremonies

Humanist Naming and Welcoming ceremonies are held to welcome a new life into the family, the community and to the world.


Humanist funerals mark the passing of a loved one by balancing the sadness and the sense of loss with a celebration of the life that was lived.

Steve Rawson

Accredited Humanist Celebrant & HSE-registered Legal Wedding Solemniser