What is Humanism?

Humanism is a belief system, a philosophy that believes that this is the only life we
have - and because of this - humanism encourages us to live the best and
happiest of lives that we can, embracing critical thinking and reason along with
compassion, humility and respect for humans and all living creatures.
It is a philosophy based on a commitment to human values. It is not based on
dogma and divine intervention. It is not a religion.

The philosophy is defined by justice, reason and compassion. It is about taking
responsibility and treating others with respect and it is for people who base their
interpretation of existence on the evidence of the natural world and its evolution.
Ultimately it is about ‘being good without God’ with no supernatural powers or
sacred texts.

Humanism continues a tradition which has existed for over 2,500 years and still
flourishes today. It is an active, positive philosophy and not a theology.
You can find out more on humanism.ie and by reading the Amsterdam
Declaration 2002.